Summer Has Arrived
Summer is always a time we look forward to, young or old. A time to play instead of school, a time for vacations, or just being lazy around the house.
It is also a time to be watchful. Know what the kids are doing, not just vaguely hear I am going out to play. Whose house are they at, are they downtown at the library, at the park, or just walking around. Be aware of their activities, who they are with and how long they are gone.
It is also a time to reinforce what they have learned during the year. Make sure they read at least 15 minutes a day, 30 minutes is even better. Let them help when checking out at the store, make them count the money, or even better, give them a limit they can’t exceed so they have to pay attention to a budget (and that way they don’t over spend). summers are easy time to forget what they have learned, give them a headstart in the fall.
Best of all HAVE FUN with the kids. Enjoy their activities, and include them in yours.
Summer Hours for the Public Library are Noon to 6:00pm Mon-Thur 11am-5pm Fridays. TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS are reading program days and we open from 10am til 12 pm for Kids related activities. No computers are on during this time. If you want to have a good time come read with the kids, you both will enjoy the time well spent.